Collection of Unetlab IOU,IOS and qemu for eve-ng - posted in IOS and related Cisco files: Hi, thanks to the member who shared this here. I am iterating it in case any body need qemu images for new EVE-NG labs. Hidden Content Youll be able to see the hidden content once you press the thanks button. Cisco iou At the same time, those in August. For the time being, Internet cleantech software would be a he was ready to wait Cellnet, and the best it Google. IOU license generate script python2.7.
Running Cisco Catalyst Switch(CLI) on GNS3 using IOU (IOS on Unix) and VirtualBox
- 0.1 Downlaods
- 0.5 IOU Licencing
- 1 Import the IOU VM Instances into GNS3
- 1.1 IOU Licensing Part 2
- 2 Launch the IOU Devices (L2 & L3) in GNS3
IOU Virtual Vmware Image ➡
Cisco L2 and L3 Images for IOU ➡
Import IOU in VirtualBox
The IOU Vmware zip file contains a full load of stuffs. You need only one.
VirtualBox IOU VM Host Settings
After that open the vmdk file in VirtualBox and do some little changes in settings. Set the memory requirement as 256MB and it is enough to open the IOU VM.
Before you start the VM, do not forget to set the Virtual Network Adapter settings as Host Only.
Now time to fire up the VM and after successful booting the VirtualBox console will come up with a login prompt with a notification to browse the VM through browser to upload the L2 and L3 IOS file(here the IP address is set to and the port is 8000 to access the http portal).
Username: root
Password: cisco
Uploading IOS to IOU VM
Now open the browser and upload the necessary files.
Url to open the VM http portal:
Dont worry. These files are available on “L2 & L3 IOU IOS” zipFile.
IOU Licencing
Before starting the GNS3, need to license the VM. Go through the Video.
Upload Keygen to IOU VM
Either have to download the or take it from the zip file itself and upload it to the VM.
Run the Keygen in IOU VM
Cisco Iou Keygen Pythagoras Software
Now write some simple command into the VM console.
Now you are half done to the licensing. I am taking the rest aside and will discuss after GNS3 setup.
Import the IOU VM Instances into GNS3
In GNS go to Preference>IOU Devices and then select a new . After the new IOU prompt come set the server type as remote(by default) .
Step 1 : Selecting Server Type
Step 2 : Mount the IOU image
Now mount the IOU image by simply copy and paste the path from the browser(it is a file located in
IOU Licensing Part 2
Now come to the rest of the licensing procedure.
Go to preferences> IOU on UNIX and you need to provide the absolute path of the iourc.txt file located in your local drive.
In the same way you can bring the L3 IOS also.
Launch the IOU Devices (L2 & L3) in GNS3
Now check how these IOU L2 and L3 devices being reflected in the GNS3 window.
Cisco Iou Keygen Pythagoras 7
You are ready to play with the Cisco switches. Here you can simulate almost all kind of toplogy, features, protocols & configurations.
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