The private seller of my son's NISSAN Altima 2002 2.5 recentlyreplaced the car's engine (under three month warranty). Hementioned the engine came from a 2005 NISSAN Altima, but we havereasons to believe the information is incorrect. The engine serialnumber is 4319 32Z QR25. Could you help us find the vehicle modeland year it came from? Thank you, Enrique
- Gm Engine Serial Number
- Nissan Serial Number Decoder
- Decode Engine Serial Number
- Nissan Forklift Serial Number Decoder
How can you tell if the engine in a 1965 impala is the original?
How to Read a Nissan VIN Number. For example, JN1 means a Japanese-produced Nissan vehicle, while 5N1 means a U.S.-produced Nissan. Learn the Nissan's engine type using the fourth character in the VIN. Some examples are F for a KA24E engine and T for a VG33E. Understand the Nissan vehicle's line with the fifth character. Decode Engine Serial Number Nissan Dealers. Note that the serial number below is an example. Chevy Car History – Auto – Vehicle Identification Number. Decode VIN number information on. This is the Nissan VIN decoder. Every Nissan car has a unique identifier code called a VIN. For vehicles newer than 1980, this is a 17 digit alphanumeric number. Where to Find VIN Numbers? The most common place to find your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is on a small metal plate attached to the driver side top of the dashboard. The tag is designed to be visible through the windshield for easy access.
you can only tell by the serial number on the engine and a decode book.
How do you decode a Remington serial number?
You don't decode the serial, you decode the date code stamped on the barrel starting in 1921. If you have something before that you need a model/serial to date it. Check the manufactured date link on the Remington Society of America for details.
Decode Yamaha big bear serial number?
How do you decode sako rifle serial number 991482?
No 'code' involved. You just have to find a source for SAKO serial numbers.
How can you decode gun serial number?
If sn data has been published, you can look it up.
What are car stereo codes for a Ford Sierra 1988?
take out the stereo, find the unit serial number. there are websites that can decode the serial number for you for a small charge, about £5
How do you decode colt 1911 serial numbers?
there is no code. merely send in serial number found on right side of frame just above trigger. ................the serial number is then looked up to determine year of manufacture....
Could you decode serial number 70D03295 on a Browning BT-99 shotgun?
Where do you find the engine serial number on a Mitsubishi 6D14?
Where do you find serial number on a 135 Massey?
Tractor serial number stamped on instrument panel name plate, Engine serial number stamped on side of engine.
Where is engine number for Nissan Pathfinder 1999 model located?
hello, Check in the manual, go to the index of it and find: engine serial number. It will show you where it is. If not, I can scan you the location of it for a Pathfinder 2005, which should be in the same place. regards, ivan
What year is this serial number 5n1ed28t72c557408?
Where is the engine serial number on a 2.0 New Beetle engine?
The engine serial number on a 2.0 new Beetle engine is located on the crankcase. It is at the alternator support flange.
How do you decode a Winchester Mod 70 with a synthetic stock newer serial number G2381358?
Where is Serial number on kawasaki engine?
The serial number is on the bottom left of the engine. It is sorta behing the frame. difficult to see.
Can you find your Yamaha serial number by your engine number?
No, the serial number on the engine is totally different from the VIN number on the frame. The only info you can get from your engine number is date and origin of manufacture. The frame VIN number and engine numbers are always different.
Can you get the engine serial number with the VIN?
good morning, I have a VIN #5N1AR1AW76C673959 and i would like to get the corresponding engine serial number. thank you
Where is the engine serial number located on a 1995 f-150?
Where is located the f150 engine serial number stamped in the block
Where would a 2001 epiphone be made?
Usually it's the first letter on the serial number go here to decode:
Where is the engine serial number on a 2005 Subaru Outback?
Gm Engine Serial Number
Engine serial number is on the rear of the engine top left side. Illustration appears to be on the flange that bolts to the transmission.
Where is the location for a engine serial number for a Daihatsu Terios?
Your engine serial number on the Daihatsu Terios is close to the firewall on a silver plate. The eighth digit on your vin number tells you what type of engine you have.

Model t serial numbers where are they located?
The serial number on the engine would also be the vehicle identification number. Keep in mind the engine may have been swapped out during the cars lifetime. The engine serial number is located over the water inlet on the driver's side of the engine block.
Could you decode Serial Number 11715M69 on a browning Rifle?
Made in 1969. No other description means I can't help you with other info.
How do you decode any SW serial?
What is car engine number?
What year is Suzuki motorcycle serial number CJ43A-100982?
That is not the serial number that looks like the engine number ull find the serial number on the steering stem
How do you decode smith and Wesson serial numbers for a model 28 2?
You buy a book that has the serial numbers in it.
What year Volkswagen engine is serial 113 101 211 g?
That's not a serial number but rather a part number--the part number for the whole engine. It could be any year.
Where is the serial number located on a john deere model m tractor?
The serial number plate is located on the side of the engine on the left side of the engine ahead of the operator.
What year is Suzuki engine serial number P 509-152359?
gotta find the VIN number on the fram the serial number wont tell anything but the date of manufacture of the engine
What year and what horspower is an Evinrude engine with the serial number 208B63CB2625?
To answer this question, the engine model number is required.
What Does A stand for on the engine number?
5th digit of the serial number is the engine code and A is for 289 4barrel carb
How do you decode Sako rifle serial numbers?
This link is from Sako's database, and lists older models and dates of production: classic 270 serial number 654798 how old is it?
Where are the serial numbers on the engine of a 71 Monte Carlo?
your serial number is on the back of the engine block on the side facing the fire wall
Where can you find a repair manual for a Nissan forklift?
Contact me at with the model and serial number and I will see if I can get it for you. I can get some of the Nissan manuals but not all.
Where is the engine number on a vege reconditioned engine?
It depends on which type of engine you're referring to; The VEGE serial number plate replaces the original engine number, and would normally be found in the same location as the original engine number. The plate will be silver in colour, with the VEGE logo, VEGE Code (part number, 4 digits), engine type, and six-digit serial number.
How do you know which number is the serial number on a yamaha outboard?
Usually the serial number is on a tag mounted on the bracket that holds the outboard engine to the boat.
Evinrude motor 85hp serial E04712 what year is this motor?

The year model of an Evinrude outboard engine is determined from the engine 'model number', rather than the serial number.
Where is the engine number located on a Hyundai Tucson?
The engine number likely refers to the serial number. On a Hyundai Tucson, you can find this number on the lower left side of the engine itself.
Where is engine serial number on xr 650 r?
Where do you find the engine serial number on a Mazda tribute 2 liter engine?
What year is belgium 9.9 outboard serial number 9495587?
what year is mercury 9.9 outboard engine serial number 9495587
Which adobe photoshopcs5 serial number?
Type 'Find a serial number - Adobe' into your search engine hit enter on your keyboard. Click on the 'Find a serial number - Adobe' link in the search results, it will take you to an Adobe website that will help you get your serial number.
Where is the serial number located on a 135 Massey?
Nissan Serial Number Decoder
Serial number on the instrument panel below the steering column. Serial number may also be on the right side of the engine, below the battery tray.
How do you decode the stereo in a 1995 range rover?
If it is the original factory fitted radio take the model and serial number to your dealership with your VIN. They should be able to tell you the code.
What is the year of the boat motor with the serial number isG03598756?
Decode Engine Serial Number
The serial number posted, appears to be a Mercury number. In order to answer your question, the horsepower of the engine is needed also.
What is the Adobe After Effects 6.5 Serial number?
Type 'Find a serial number - Adobe' into your search engine hit enter on your keyboard. Click on the 'Find a serial number - Adobe' link in the search results, it will take you to an Adobe website that will help you get your serial number.
How do you find my serial number in adobe cs5?
Type 'Find a serial number - Adobe' into your search engine hit enter on your keyboard. Click on the 'Find a serial number - Adobe' link in the search results, it will take you to an Adobe website that will help you get your serial number.
What year is evinrude serial no G0425745?
Evinrude and Johnson outboards use the engine model number, rather than the serial number, to determine the year model. The model number will be on the same plate/sticker as the serial number.