108 Vital Points Pdf

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SELF-DEFENSE NERVE CENTERS & PRESSURE POINTS is a practical guide to the most efficent use of weaponless self-defense using the least possible force. The results of self-defense actions are described in the most accurate way possible, taking into account the factors of relative size, strength, health and emotions. Marma points of ayurveda: the energy pathways for healing body, mind, and consciousness with a comparison to. Iv Chibuka 110 Marma Head and Facial Massage 111 10 Shiro (Head), Grīvā (Neck) and Karna (Ear) Marmāni 115 Manyāmūla 116 Vidhuram 118.

108 Vital Points Pdf

Explore this ArticleUnderstanding pressure pointsHeadNeckShoulderThroatJaw zoneForearm/creviceHandsTorso regionFeetPossible therapeutic usesPracticing the pressure pointsShow 9 more...Show less...Article SummaryQuestions & AnswersRelated Articles

108 Vital Points Pdf

108 Vital Points Pdf Pdf

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 67 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Together, they cited 19 references.
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Human Vital Points Strike

The traditional definition of a pressure point is a point that, when pressure is applied, produces crippling pain. This is learnt in a Chinese martial art called Dim Mak based on acupuncture pressure points, but this art is very restricted and needs and understanding of Chinese acupuncture points. Because of this, this article can only provide information on on fragile areas that we'll call vulnerable points. This is used to exploit a weakness or vulnerability in the human body to gain an advantage over an opponent. When using these pressure points one must be particularly careful as it is easy to kill someone accidentally, such as a friend or even an enemy. At that point, you enter the legal system, which generally does not know if you were really defending yourself or were actually the aggressor, and in some cases, that may not even matter. This leads to the point that, more important than the technique, is the mindset that you use in training, which is, of course a personal philosophical decision, but one which requires much thought and consideration of when what you practice must be put to use.

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