Emu 1212m Drivers Windows 7

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Hey I was wondering if anyone here might be able to help me out. I just got an E-mu 1212M PCIe sound card. I am running Vista x64 Home Premium, Quad-Core 1.8GHz, 5GB ram. I was running on an e-mu 0404 standard PCI card before. I uninstalled the old card and the the drivers completely before trying to install my new card. Put in the new card installed the drivers and the patch mix dsp program, but every time I try to play sounds in winamp or Internet Explorer or any other source that runs on the wave channel, after about a min the whole computer locks up followed by a high pitch sound and then my screen pixel-ating forcing me to do a hard power off. Anyone got any Ideas I have been messing with this for almost a week now. Thanks!

  1. Emu 1820m Windows 10
  2. Emu 1212m Drivers Download
  3. Emu 1212m Drivers Windows 7
Active4 months ago

I need an additional slave PC card and don't want to spend huge money so was thinking of an EMU 1212M PCIe card. Any other cheap solutions that are working perfectly with VSL and MIR etc would be helpful. Creative Sound Blaster E-MU 1212M, is a model professional interface for true connoisseurs of sound, from the company Creative. In general, by and large, this option is intended primarily for professionals who work closely with the sound. E-Mu 1212M Sound Card Problems,E-MU Systems, Free tech support for E-Mu 1212M Sound Card and help with E-Mu 1212M Sound Card in win7. E-mu 1212m 1820 and Windows 7.avi PromixStudio Digisaund. E-MU Systems – M PCIe – PCIe Digital Audio System. This card kinda sucks for the price. Immediately after installing this em-u, e-mu 1212m be sure to turn the MicroDock off and then e-mu 1212m on again, in order for the new firmware to take effect. Sounds as good as anything.

The 1212M PCIe also ships with ASIO2 and WDM drivers for Windows XP, XP x64, Windows Vista and Vista x64, as well as the E-MU Production Tools software bundle that includes E-MU's Proteus X LE, plus software by Steinberg, Ableton, IK Multimedia, and many more - everything you need to create, record, edit, master and burn your music.

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All of these models actually use the same exact PCIe card. I happen to have the 1212m model. It worked great in Windows, but unfortunately, Creative Labs E-MU only offers Windows drivers for this particular card. I have switched to using Ubuntu as my main desktop for a while now. How can I make it work in Ubuntu?

Furthermore, my chipset comes with integrated Intel HD Audio as well, and I'd like to be able to switch back and fourth between the E-MU sound card and the Intel one.

3631 gold badge2 silver badges13 bronze badges

2 Answers

Update Jul 3, 2014

As of Ubuntu 14.04, the ALSA driver is natively supported in the kernel, so the download-compile-install process for the driver should be skipped. The remaining of the instructions remains the same.

Wi fi protected setup. How can the answer be improved?


In order to get this card to work, you need to set up ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture). Download the latest stable releases of alsa-driver, alsa-lib, alsa-utils, and alsa-firmware from their wiki page here and extract them.


0. Pre-reqs

To make sure you have all the pre-requisites for compiling code, run the following command: Clive barker's undying remake.

1. Configure ALSA driver (skip this step if you are in Ubuntu 13.10+)

Now you need to configure which sound devices should be used with ALSA. I'll explain the instruction for having two sound devices, Intel HD Audio, and the E-MU 1212m. If you need ALSA to include another, you need to find the name of the ALSA driver that supports this device. In order to do that, check ALSA's sound card matrix here. If your sound card is supported, you should find a driver for it in the list of drivers. For Intel HD Audio, the driver is hda-intel, and for E-MU 1212m, the driver is emu10k1.

To configure the driver, go to the folder where you extracted alsa-driver in a terminal, and run the following command.

--with-cards specifies a comma-separated list of the drivers that you need. As for the other options, I have the driver include a sequencer, specified the that the device is not plug and play, specified that OSS is not used, and specified the kernel. Although you shouldn't need to, but you can add additional configuration options for the ALSA driver as necessary. You can learn more about configuring ALSA driver by running the command ./configure --help.

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Note: If you are not sure which card you have, try running lshw -c sound in the terminal. It will list all the sound hardware. If it is a PCI, it should also show up when you run lspci | grep audio.

2. Patch the emu10k1 driver (skip this step if you are in Ubuntu 13.10+)

Next we need to apply a small patch to one of the files.

In the same folder, open the file ./alsa-kernel/pci/emu10k1/emu10k1_main.c with a text editor of your choice. Find the line with

static struct snd_emu_chip_details emu_chip_details[] = {

Belote is a popular French card game for 4 people, who play in 2 teams. It is a close relative of Clobyosh, which is played in Jewish communities all over the world, and of the Dutch game Klaverjassen. Dec 15, 2015  Bridge - Belote or Belot for short, is a popular card game in Bulgaria. In its most popular form it is played by four people in pairs with a deck of 32 cards: 7, 8, 9. Belot card game online.

Right below it, insert the following:

Save this file, and close.

3. Compile and install

Go to each of the folders where you extracted driver* (skip if version of Ubuntu is 13.10+), firmware, lib, and utils, and for each of them run this command

Do the same for lib and utils.

4. Copy the firmware files to emu folder

Go to the folder where you extracted alsa-firmware in the terminal. Browse to the folder /emu/ there, and run the following command:

Note:/lib/firmware/emu should exist, but if doesn't create it.

5. Configure the Linux sound base to use ALSA

Run this command:

and choose ALSA.

6. Reboot!

This should be all. Once the system boots up, you should see SB0400 Audigy2 Value Analog Stereo in the sound settings of Ubuntu.

Emu 1212m Drivers Windows 7

After you are done

This is enough for you to get started and get a sound output from your card. For more advanced ways to tweak the input/outputs of the cards see the following links:

emutrix : matrix-style mixer for this card. This will need to be compiled with Qt. It's relatively straightforward to build with qt4 and slightly more tricky with Qt5. The compilation command is simply qmake && make.

Here's how to compile this project with Qt5 (you can install Qt5 using sudo apt install qt5-default). Download and extract emutrix0.3.1 and open the file emutrix.pro with a text editor. After the line TEMPLATE = app, insert the following:

Then save this file, and at the root of the project run the command

Next, open a text editor and open the file emutrix0.3.1/src/main.cc. At the top, delete the line #include <QtGui/QApplication> and replace it with #include <QtWidgets/QApplication>

Then open the file src/mainwindow.h and similarly delete the line #include <QtGui/QApplication> and this time replace it with

And save these two files. Now we can compile the project by running

This might take a while. Note that you can run make -j 4 for example to use 4 threads if you have a machine with more available threads so that it compiles faster. If you do run into issues during the compilation, do a quick Google search of the compile error, usually the first one or two hits will resolve it.

Once everything is compiled, we are ready to launch it with ./emutrix. You can further create a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications so that you can launch emutrix from the start menu.

Additional Audio Tools

alsamixer: this is the main mixer that I often use to mute/adjust io levels. All you have to do to start it is to run in the terminal alsamixer.

gnome-alsa-mixer : or the gui version of it if you prefer (sudo apt-get install gnome-alsa-mixer)

qjackctl This is installed with sudo apt-get install jack qjackctl. Read more about jack on wiki. Some applications in Ubuntu may use this to have low latency and high resolution sound.

Emu 1820m Windows 10

3631 gold badge2 silver badges13 bronze badges

I found that

sudo apt-get install libncursesw5-dev gettext xmlto

is necessary before building the alsa-utils.

Bengt NilssonBengt Nilsson

protected by CommunityAug 10 '16 at 6:07

Emu 1212m Drivers Download

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