Multiple Address Lists in tnsnames.ora. The tnsnames.ora file also supports connect descriptors with multiple lists of addresses, each with its own characteristics. In Example 6-3, two address lists are presented. Oracle supports up to three levels of ifile nesting allowing you to have an ifile within an ifile, within an ifile. The ifile is most commonly used in large environments when you want to include one tnsnames.ora file within many other tnsnames.ora files. Multiple tnsnames.ora files. For a typical iAS install, Forms and Reports are installed under: Oracle 806 and the tnsnames.ora file used by Reports is located in: Oracle 806 net80 admin In this file is the reports server (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=yourmachine) (PORT=1949)) You can also append the Rep60-xxx. TNS_ADMIN on Windows. The best place to put the tns_admin variable on Windows is in the registry under each oracle home. For example: HKLM software oracle home0 tns_admin and set the value to the location of your tnsnames.ora file. Of course, this is documented in the Administrators Guide. If you have run NETCA and cannot locate the tnsnames.ora file, check to see if the tns_admin parameter has been set to specify a different directory. If you have not run NETCA, do so to create the tnsnames.ora file.
Hi Guys,
I have an issue with Informatica 7.1 configuration with Oracle 10 g database. Informatica is not able to communicate with Oracle 10g database. I wanted to create an database for informatica repository. I am a biginer in Oracle. This is the error I am getting
(3984|3256) Security audit trail has been turned off.
(3984|3256) my_repo: Repository runtime manager initialized.
(3984|3256) my_repo: Initialized configuration information.
(3984|3256) my_repo: Initialized request dispatcher.
(3984|3256) Database Connection Error : Failed to logon to Database server
*ORA-12541: TNS:no listener*
Database driver error...
Function Name : Connect
Database Error: Failed to connect to database using user [scott] and
connection string [].
(3984|3256) Service stopped.
Is it possible to help me out how to edit the TNSNAMES.ORA, LISTNER.ORA and SQLNET.ORA files.
MY global database name = , SID = orcldb, hostname = mywork
I can copy the TNSNAMES.ORA, LISTNER.ORA and SQLNET.ORA files also
(ORACLE_HOME = D:oracleproduct10.2.0db_1)
(PROGRAM = extproc)
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = mywork)(PORT = 1521))
I installed oracle 10g on windows xp pro and used static ip.
I will appreciate if anybody can help me out.
Tnsnames.ora Example
The issue turned out to be two-fold.
First, the strange tnsping results seem to have been caused by an apparent quirk with the configuration of Oracle Data Guard.
We're still not sure how tnsping worked at all when using tnsping and only the db_hostname though. Oracle has been contacted to get their input on this.
Once this issue was determined, it led to a second issue. Attempting to bypass Data Guard and connect directly the primary node name would result in a timeout error.
This turned out to be a routing issue which was resolved.
All is now working.
Tnsnames Example
[Original problem]
Oracle 11g client ( running on Windows 2008r2.
From a command prompt, entering the following results in an error:
tnsping (Failed to resolve service name)
Yet this does work:
tnsping dbhost
What Is Tnsnames.ora
I have two databases that reside on the same DB server, each with a unique and separate SID identifier. This method of using tnsping, calling only the dbhostname, doesn't allow for knowing which of the two databases have been accessed.
Any ideas of what I should check?